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Most all successful companies have a recognizable icon reflective of a valued characteristic. MGM has a lion, Lamborghini has a Bull, and Ferrari has a horse standing on its hind legs. Dana Burton of Deux Design gave Shannon’s office an icon – the head of a Thoroughbred horse. Shannon values the traits of a thoroughbred just as other businesses value traits of their respective icons. A thoroughbred is an animal that has such courage and drive that it gives everything it has in its pursuit of a goal, willing to run until its heart literally explodes. Shannon admired that focus and dedication, finding it remarkable that an animal is willing to lay everything thing on the line for a goal, restricted by no bounds.
Shannon’s admiration of thoroughbreds intensified over the years as she discovered shared traits. Growing up, her father often pushed her to be better. At times she felt no matter how well she performed academically or athletically, her father would always ask, “What could you have done better?” She always felt she laid everything on the line and hearing that frustrated her. After that question was posed to her by her father one day, she asked, “Why won’t you let me be satisfied with what I have done for a moment?” Her father told her something that day she never forgot and it has stayed with her in everything she does. “If a mule is whipped, it just stands there, but if a thoroughbred is whipped, it runs faster.”
Client Focused. Results Driven.
Shannon ran faster. Self-improvement became a consistent goal. She converted criticisms in the athletic arena and molded herself, working harder, always pushing herself to be better. Shannon took that same focus and applied it to her practice. She asks herself at the end of every case what she could have done better and distributes a voluntary survey to have the same questions answered by clients.
She actively listens and requests feedback and instructions from clients to ensure she is always getting better. Her clients are like jockeys, giving her a push toward the result they desire – and the client and their goal is her focus. This is the concept from which she derived the business slogan, “Client Focused. Results Driven.” She believes a thoroughbred is the embodiment of that slogan and tries to approach a clients’ goals as well as her own with the same fearlessness, drive, and strength of a thoroughbred. Shannon’s goal is to stand out both in her drive and in her focus for a client and in the customer service she provides.